What is a Yoni Steam?
A vaginal steam or Yoni Steam is a safe, natural holistic reproductive cleansing process that offers a host of benefits ranging from PMS relief to reducing stress, anxiety, dryness, the effects of trauma and more.
For centuries, women around the world have cultivated the healing powers of herbs both medicinally and to connect with our feminine essence.
The Yoni (vaginal) Steam dates back thousands of years and is seen in almost every indigenous African, Asian, Mayan and Native American culture; known as Yoni Steam Bath, V-Steams, Womb Therapy, Vaginal Steaming, Chai-yok, or Bajos. These cultures have used Yoni steaming as a routine ritual to maintain female reproductive health and to honor and connect with the feminine energy. In addition to their multiple health benefits, Yoni Steams are also a form of healing that can be utilized to restore balance and clear away stagnation. It's popularity has been steadily growing in the West, and for good reason.
In Chinese medicine, all of the organs have emotional and energetic qualities. Yoni steaming allows women to reconnect with their bodies in a positive loving way which helps to clear blocked energy..... "The mind will use the muscles and organs of the body as an outlet for pent up emotions." -Wilhelm Reich
There is a wisdom worth exploring in practices that have been passed down for centuries. We at Amb have perfected a way for women to experience a positive and relaxing way to nurture and connect with themselves. This takes place in our private and tranquil setting. Women have participated in this self love and womb ritual to maintain female reproductive health and well being.
Yoni Steaming has been known by women throughout history to provide:
Renewed their sense of well-being
Menstrual cramp relief
Regulation of menstrual cycles
Relieve symptoms of menopause
Works to maintain healthy odor
Relieve symptoms of dryness
Hormonal and Emotional balance
Increased circulation
Improved fertility and conception
Toning Uterine muscles
Reduced stress and anxiety
Yoni steams helps one to deepen their awareness of their body through this nurturing practice, which is very empowering. Mayan belief is that the uterus is a woman’s center, and that it controls her internal health.
Here at the Into the Light Studio we proudly offer the Yoni Steam as a stand alone treatment or in conjunction with other therapies. We only use certified organic or wild crafted herbs, spices and flowers.
Yoni Steam FAQ’s
What can I expect during a Yoni Steaming session?
The process is simple. One will sit on a bottomless cube stool custom designed to allow gently steaming herbs to be placed underneath you. You are draped from the chest down in a cape that covers the cube in its entirety for warmth and to retain the steam which brings heat to the pelvis and womb. The process is gentle and extremely relaxing!
You can bring a book or a journal or listen to music on your headphones (although the room has soothing music) or you can take this time to sit quietly or meditate.
How does a Yoni Steam work?
Because of the abundance of blood vessels and mucus membranes, it is believed that the essence of the plant compounds are more easily absorbed through the walls of the vagina. Because of this permeability, doctors often prescribe vaginal suppositories to fight infections or balance hormones. The vaginal steams have been thought to soften and cleanse the uterine wall of accumulated debris. The steam does not directly enter the womb, but the warmth of the steam softens the tissues, relaxes the belly and pelvic floor, and increases blood and lymph flow. In Chinese medicine it is seen as helping to relieve coldness and stagnation in the body. The yoni tissue is one of the most absorbent of the entire female body.
The Yoni Steam also provides purification and release. Steaming helps women to literally purify their core and release energy and matter they no longer wish to hold in their wombs. It allows women to forgive themselves and others for unpleasant incidents that have occurred over their lifetimes. Steam treatments allow the womb to clear out old residue. As that matter releases, women likewise release emotional feelings that have been stuck inside. It can be a very profound healing tool for women to overcome old emotions and trauma.
Why are herbs used?
In general, herbs are used that promote circulation, cleanse, reduce yeast and bacteria, reduce inflammation, strengthen, nourish, and tone. Herbs are optional. You can steam with mineral salts and/or organic rose petals.
What herbs are used with Yoni steaming?
Some common herbs that are used:
Rosemary: An aromatic and antimicrobial herb,improves circulation.
Dandelion: Promotes healthy circulation, cleanse, and tones.
Lavender: Super relaxing herb, calms the spirit, mind, and body. Antispasmodic. Nourishing to the nervous system.
Rose Petals: A relaxing, uplifting, and astringent herb that is wonderful for pampering.
Yarrow: Astringent, toning, and cleansing. Supports overall uterine health.
Red Raspberry- Toning to the uterine muscles.
Motherwort: Astringent, toning, and cleansing.
Calendula: Aids in healing of scar tissue, vaginal tears or hemorrhoids.
All of our herbs are certified organic and free of chemicals.
Can I steam without the use of herbs?
Yes! We offer steaming with mineral salts and organic rose petals or lavender only. Steaming in general allows the women to reconnect with herself and send love and positive energy to the womb. Steaming is a way to deepen the connection with the body through a nourishing practice, which is very empowering.
What does the word Yoni means?
Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina, mean "divine passage" or "sacred temple"
How private is the session?
This service is private, unless doing the Yoni Love steam option, in which other women MAY be in the yoni steam room. This service can be shared with your girlfriends, ladies night "in", retreat, bridal shower etc. You are fully robed during your steam. Your modesty is never compromised.
When should I avoid doing a steam?
While on your cycle; During a fever; While pregnant or if there is any possibility of pregnancy; With an IUD; With extremely heavy flooding menses; With any open cuts / wounds / stitches/sores.
I have no problems, can I still do a steam?
Steaming can be done even when nothing is “upset,” as it can nourish, strengthen, and tone the uterus. It is also relaxing and meditative and leaves you with a sense of well being. Just as one can drink tea everyday, one can steam each day(unless there are certain conditions). Caring for our vaginal tissues and uterus is a GOOD thing to add to our lives.
Can women benefit from the Yoni Steam if she has had a hysterectomy or has gone through menopause?
Absolutely . Women in any cycle of life can benefit from the Yoni Steam.
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. There have not been any scientific studies on Yoni-steams, all reported benefits are based on personal accounts. There is a wisdom that should be explored in practices that have been used for centuries. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult a qualified health care professional if you think you may have a medical condition.